lunes, 20 de abril de 2015
Jamestown - Steampunk & pixels
Hello everyone! Here I am ready to talk to you about another of those games who still couldn´t make it into the mainstream in spite of the quality that it contains in all and each of its pixels. I´m talking about Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony. Do you like the classic shooters from the arcades, specially maniac shooters as the classics from legendary Japanese game developer Cave? You know, games such as DoDonPachi, Mushihime-Sama, Espgaluda or Ibara in which you have to dodge wave after wave of bullets, making them ideal for some serious Jedi training (and not recommended for epileptic people). If the answer is yes, then continue reading, for Jamestown is your game. If the answer is no... keep reading anyways, who knows, you might end up liking it!
Jamestown - Steampunk y píxeles
¡Hola a tod@s! Aquí me tenéis una entrada más dispuesto a traeros otro de esos juegos a los que se les resiste la “corriente mainstream” a pesar de la enorme calidad que atesoran todos y cada uno de sus píxeles. El juego en cuestión se llama Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony. ¿Os gustan los shooters clásicos de las recreativas, y en especial los maniac shooters como los grandes clásicos de la legendaria Cave? Ya sabéis, juegos de esos como DoDonPachi, Mushihime-Sama, Espgaluda o Ibara en los que oleadas de proyectiles de colorines inundan la pantalla, haciéndolos ideales para masocas o aprendices de Jedi (y no apto para epilépticos). Si la respuesta es sí, entonces seguid leyendo, pues Jamestown es vuestro juego. Si la respuesta es no... seguid leyendo también, ¡que me hace ilu! ¡Y además salen españoles! Aunque seamos los malos malosos del cuento.
sábado, 11 de abril de 2015
Valdis Story - An Indie Metroidvania
Hello everyone! Do you remember Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo? I´m sure that name brings back many super great memories to the most super veteran players. That feeling of loneliness as you were exploring an unknown and dangerous world full of mysteries, the satisfaction of watching you character grow as you advanced through the adventure... It was just... well, just super. Back then, on top of being acclaimed by the critics of its time, Super Metroid set the base for a new hybrid genre that mixed elements typical from other genres such as the action/platform and RPG games, which would eventually evolve into some of the modern action/adventure games that we can see nowadays. In fact, the success of Nintendo´s classic was such that it even managed to convert other classics of the time to its “particular faith”, such is the case of Konami´s also classic series Clastlevania and its timeless classic Symphony of the Night, which would serve as the start for a series of “Metroidvanias” that spawned across different platforms conquering public and critics alike, making many players almost completely forget the original arcade roots of the series of the Belmonts in their eternal war against Dracula that Spanish developer MercurySteam tried to recover in their recent Lords of Shadow trilogy, but in this new entry I´m not going to talk about Metroid or Castlevania, enough has been said already about these two legendary titles, instead I´m going to talk about an indie game that follows the legacy of these classics, and boy believe me when I say it does indeed do a good job when trying to keep up with these two titans of the gaming industry. I´m talking about Valdis Story Abissal City.
Valdis Story - Un Metroidvania indi
¡Hola a tod@s! ¿Recordáis al mítico Super Metroid del “Cerebro de la Bestia”? Seguro que ese nombre trae grandes recuerdos a muchos de los jugadores más veteranos. Aquella sensación de soledad al explorar un mundo desconocido y hostil repleto de secretos, la satisfacción de ver cómo tu personaje mejoraba conforme avanzaba la aventura... En sus tiempos no solo fue aclamado unánimemente por la crítica del momento, llevando a la saga Metroid a un nuevo nivel, sino que además sentó muchas de las bases jugables que darían lugar a un nuevo género híbrido que mezclaba ideas de varios géneros ya existentes como los juegos de plataformas y acción en 2D y los RPG, y que a su vez acabaría evolucionando hacia algunos de los juegos modernos de acción/aventura que podemos ver en la actualidad. De hecho, el éxito del clásico de Nintendo fue tal, que hasta logró reconvertir a otros clásicos de la época “a su fe”, como es el caso de la también mítica saga Clastlevania de Konami y su clásico atemporal Symphony of the Night, que marcaría el principio de una serie “Metroidvanias” que han conseguido conquistar a crítica y público por igual, haciendo que casi se olviden por completo los orígenes más arcade de la saga protagonizada por los Belmont que los madrileños MercurySteam intentaron recuperar con su reciente trilogía Lords of Shadow. Pero en esta nueva entrega no voy a hablaremos de Metroid, ni de Castlevania, os voy a hablar de Valdis Story Abissal City, un juego indi lanzado recientemente que sigue la estela de estos grandes clásicos.
viernes, 3 de abril de 2015
The other Final Fights
Hello everyone! After the sweet lolita witches game based on the Mega Man franchise from the last entry, in this new entry I decided to bring you again something related to Capcom, but this time is something more for “tough guys”, you know, lots of muscles, lots or martial arts, lots of punches, or what is the same, a lot of Final Fight. In fact, it is indeed kinda lot. I still remember the first time I played the original arcade, it was in a bar close to my home and the character I chose was Guy because of all that 80´s ninja thing he had in him... I still remember those huge sprites, those stages full of all kind of details, all those enemies... Ahhhh, Capcom, Capcom, Capcom, how mighty we have fallen (have we?)... Where´s that company that took by storm the arcades (and not just the arcades) of the whole world, conquering the hearts of thousands of players... Anyway, let´s leave Capcom´s recent controversial business decisions aside, and let´s focus on what we like most from them, their games, for they have and have had plenty, and some of them very good ones, in fact some are so good that have become timeless classics of the video game industry. As I was saying, in this entry I´m going to focus in some of the best fan made games based on this Capcom classic developed with the popular open source engine OpenBOR, all of them with pretty amazing results. Oh, and yeah, they are ALL FREE!!
Hello everyone! After the sweet lolita witches game based on the Mega Man franchise from the last entry, in this new entry I decided to bring you again something related to Capcom, but this time is something more for “tough guys”, you know, lots of muscles, lots or martial arts, lots of punches, or what is the same, a lot of Final Fight. In fact, it is indeed kinda lot. I still remember the first time I played the original arcade, it was in a bar close to my home and the character I chose was Guy because of all that 80´s ninja thing he had in him... I still remember those huge sprites, those stages full of all kind of details, all those enemies... Ahhhh, Capcom, Capcom, Capcom, how mighty we have fallen (have we?)... Where´s that company that took by storm the arcades (and not just the arcades) of the whole world, conquering the hearts of thousands of players... Anyway, let´s leave Capcom´s recent controversial business decisions aside, and let´s focus on what we like most from them, their games, for they have and have had plenty, and some of them very good ones, in fact some are so good that have become timeless classics of the video game industry. As I was saying, in this entry I´m going to focus in some of the best fan made games based on this Capcom classic developed with the popular open source engine OpenBOR, all of them with pretty amazing results. Oh, and yeah, they are ALL FREE!!
Los otros Final Fight
¡Hola a tod@s! Tras el juego de brujas lolitas a lo Mega Man de la última entrada, en esta nueva entrega os traigo de nuevo algo relacionado con Capcom, aunque esta vez es algo un poco más para machotes, ya sabéis, muchos músculos, muchas artes marciales, mucho macarra barato, muchas leches... en definitiva, mucho Final Fight. Aún recuerdo la primera vez que jugué a Final Fight, fue en la recreativa de un bar que había cerca de mi casa y el personaje que escogí fue Guy por aquel rollo de ninja ochentero que se traía... Aún recuerdo aquellos personajes enormes, aquellos escenarios llenos de detalles de todo tipo, todos aquellos enemigos... Ahhhh Capcom, Capcom, Capcom, con lo que hemos sido, y cómo nos tenemos que ver últimamente... Dónde ha quedado la magia de aquellas recreativas (y no recreativas) que conquistaron a los jugadores del mundo entero... En fin, dejemos a Capcom y sus polémicas políticas comerciales actuales, que darían para una entrada entera, y centrémonos en lo que nos interesa: sus juegos, que para qué negarlo, tiene y ha tenido muchos, y muy buenos, de hecho algunos son tan buenos que se han convertido en clásicos de la historia de los videojuegos. Como os comentaba, en esta entrada me voy a centrar en algunos de los mejores juegos basados en el beat ´em up clásico de Capcom hechos por aficionados usando el popular motor gratuito OpenBOR, y con resultados francamente impresionantes... ¡Y GRATIS!
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