Hello everyone! Here I come ready to bug you for a while again with a new entry of my blog. Did you try already
Oniken and Odallus? Pure nostalgia, huh? In this entry we are going back to the current times, but we do it with a game that also follows a formula that has been around for many years in the industry and of which I have already talked about in the entries of games like
Chaos Code,
Ougon Musou,
Vanguard Princess,
Dark Awake or
Phantom Breaker. The game I want to talk about is called Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel. Let’s see what this fighter has to offer, other than a name difficult to remember.
Developed by
Examu, a company specialized in 2D fighting games and creators of the popular
Arcana Heart series, Nitroplus Blasterz is another of those fighting game in which the characters are all beautiful ladies willing to beat the crap out of each other. The game was originally released in the Japanese arcades in 2015 under
Taito´s popular
Taito Type X2 arcade board, although later it was ported to PS3 and PS4. Nitroplus Blasterz is some short of “all-stars” that features characters from many different franchises, mainly from many of the
visual novels of
Nitroplus, a Japanese company specialized in this genre that so popular is in Japan, although the rooster also includes characters from other manga/anime/game series. However, unless you are really into Japanese manga and anime, it is very probable you won’t recognize most of the characters that appear in Nitroplus Blasterz, for most of them come from rather obscure franchises (at least in the west). The game’s rooster will consist of 14 selectable characters (2 of them unlockable via DLC), all with the own unique fighting style, plus another 20 secondary characters that will act as support characters. While 14 characters could seem a rather small rooster for nowadays standards, Nitroplus Blasterz compensates that with the huge charisma of all of the characters that compose the game’s rooster. The selectable characters and the series they belong to are:
Aino Heart (DLC character) Al Azif
Arcana Heart Demonbane
Gekko no Carnevale Tokyo Necro
Homura (DLC character) Ein
Senran Kagura Phantom: Phantom of
Ignis Mora
Jingai Makyo Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia
Ouka Ruili
OKStyle mascot Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer
Saber Sansei
Fate/Stay Night - Fate/Zero Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa
Super Sonico
Saya no Uta Nitroplus mascot

Regarding the gameplay of the title, Nitroplus Blasterz is a classic style 2D fighting game that does very little to innovate, and that is precisely one of its best points, so if you are looking for a fighting game with the screen full of gauges everywhere, you might as well keep looking. Opposite to what we saw in most of the fighting games I talked about in this blog, which used rather complex systems that required many hours of practice in order to be mastered, resulting into games that could be somewhat intimidating for the rookies, Nitroplus Blasterz makes out of simplicity it’s strong point, making the things as easy as possible for the players, thus giving the feeling that we are able to accomplish so much by doing so little and making it ideal for those players that always felt intimidated about the genre, for the game just uses what is really necessary. No more, and no less. However, I need to point out that that Nitroplus Blasterz is still a game that wants to please rookies AS WELL AS VETERANS, so those of you who found the level of complexity of games such as
Street Fighter Alpha 3 challenging, will still find Nitroplus Blasterz an intimidating game, although it is still far more approachable than other 2D fighters out there like for instance the
BlazBlue series. The game uses 5 basics buttons: three for the weak, medium and strong attacks, a fourth button for powerful attacks that will allow us to take down our rivals, and one final button that will allow us to perform evasion moves. This last evasion button will be the one that will give us access to one of the mechanics that the game includes in order to keep it from being too simple, known as Vanishing Guard, and which will allow us to block our rivals’ attacks without getting any damage from it, while also allowing us to perform counterattacks if the timing is right. The game includes another mechanic know as Variable Rush, which will allow us to use part of our power gauge to automatically start a combo. If we reach our rival with this combo, all we will have to do in order to keep it going is mash the buttons like there’s tomorrow, so this time the less skilled players won’t have any excuses when it comes to perform some flashy moves during the combats, for as the great Winston Churchill would have said: never some many could do so much with so little… or something like that. This will definitely add some thrill to the combats, since even the most hardened veterans won’t be able to predict when their rival could just suddenly unleash a devastating combo no matter how inexperienced they might be. Of course, all the combo maniacs out there will also have the chance to perform all kind of flashy combos “the old handmade way”, allowing them to save the energy of their power gauge for other type of actions, so being an experienced player still counts when it comes to get the edge. However, the Variable Rush mechanic will surely help to level the things a little bit, on top of allowing the less experienced players to have their own "moments of glory". Who knows, perhaps even the most experienced veterans will find themselves resorting to it in order to get out of an unexpected tight spot (p*ssy!). The game will also include your typical special attacks and super attacks that will consume part of our power gauge, as well as the Lethal Blaze attacks, which are the most devastating attacks of the game, something like the equivalent to
Street Fighter 4’s Ultra Attacks, and which will be accompanied by flashy anime sequences. But the main gameplay feature of Nitroplus Blasterz will be its support characters system, which will be similar to the one we can see in other games such as Arcana Hearts or
Marvel vs Capcom. Once we have selected our main character, we will have to select two support characters that we will be able to summon during the combats in order to assists us and compensate the shortcomings of our character. This system will be very important, and mastering will be crucial if we are to be victorious. Each support character will have their own skills, some as hilarious as summoning a horde of zombie school girls (I love you Japan!), so depending on the main character we choose certain support characters will be more or less convenient. Luckily, every time we choose our main character, we will get hints about which support characters would work better for our choice, which will be really helpful for the less experienced players or all those that just don’t want think that much about it, although we will also have the option to ignore those hints and chose just any character we see fit from among the 20 available support characters.

As for the game modes, Nitroplus Blasterz includes all the typical modes you could expect from a 2D fighter, plus some extra ones. The game includes your typical Story Mode, in which we will select a character and we will have to defeat a series of CPU controlled rivals while the story is narrated via small conversation in between the combats, then we have the typical VS Mode, which will allow us to fight against our buddies in local matches or against the CPU, then there is the Score Attack, which is basically an arcade mode that will allow us to update our score in the leaderboards to compete for the highest score with other players, then there is the Training Mode, which, as its own indicates, will allow us to train the movements and combos of the characters, and finally there is also the Online Mode, which will allow us to play against other players from around the world from both versions of the game, the PS3 one and the PS4 one, which will help to cope better with the possible shortage of online players due to the game being not as popular as other titans out there like
Street Fighter 5, as it is very likely many players completely ignore the existence Nitroplus Blasterz, and that is precisely why I decided to talk about it in this entry, since I think is a pretty solid 2D fighter that will surely please the fans of the genre. Finally, once we complete the standard Story Mode we will unlock a new mode called Another Story, which will allow us to play a graphic novel. In this mode the story will be narrated via comic-like scenes, and we will be able to choose certain answers that will affect the development of the story. Opposite to what we see in the standard Story Mode, in this mode we won’t get to choose which character we will want to control, rather than that, the character we will control and we fight against will be decided based on the events of the story. In fact, this mode is so focused on the story itself that we will even have the option to turn off the combats and enjoy the game completely as a visual novel, and although it might not make much sense to include such a mode in a VS game, it does make sense when you think that genre is precisely Nitroplus’s specialty.

Lastly we have the graphics of the game, which sincerely are pretty nice. The colorful sprites of the characters have been perfectly modeled with all kind of details, giving the feeling of being playing an interactive anime. The characters also include a decent number of animations, although these are more limited when it comes to the secondary characters, perhaps due to the secondary role these ones play during the matches. The game includes 10 stages created with 3D graphics which also contain a fair amount of details.
Nitroplus Blasterz might not be remembered as one of the most innovative 2D fighting games, but it surely manages to deliver a solid system with a quirky character rooster full of personality despite it reduced number, and its accessibility will surely help many newcomers adapt to it fairly quickly, while the game contains enough deep so that it doesn’t become boring for the most demanding fans of the genre. You can buy the game for PS3 (
here) and PS4 (
here), with both versions being practically identical (and featuring cross platform online multiplayer). If you are looking for a new classic 2D fighter, you should definitely give a chance to Nitroplus Blasterz, for the game will surely not disappoint. Enjoy!
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQJmR37s454
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