Hello everyone! Did you help Tingle to gather all the rupees he needs to go to paradise? No yet? I know, I know, he is a rather weird dude, but in the end I´m sure you will kinda get to like him... Anyway, a few entries back I talked to you about the best fangames inspired on one of my favorite Capcom´s classic franchises, Final Fight, so now that the much anticipated Mighty No. 9, a game that is destined to be the spiritual successor of Mega Man, is about to be released in just a few weeks, in this new entry I bring you several fangames inspired in the adventures of video games´ most famous blue robot to warm up a little bit while Inafume-san and his team wrap up their latest adventure.
Rockman 7 FC
The first game in the list is probably also one of the most popular, which is not strange given its high level of quality and polish. Rockman 7 FC (or Famicom, as the NES/Nintendo 8-bit is know in Japan) is a demake, or what is the same, the adaptation to a lower aspect machine of a game that was originally planned for a higher aspect one, but an “artistic” adaptation, and with that I mean done properly, because when these kind of adaptations are done just whatever and lying to the fans, they are called Watch Do... I mean, Forza Moto... I mean, “downgrade”... Anyway, in this case is the adaptation of Mega Man 7, a game that was originally released for the Super Nintendo, and that has been transformed by a group of Japanese fans into an 8-bit version of the same game. Except for some minor changes regarding the design of the original Super Nintendo game in order to make this version feel more like a 8-bit Mega Man game (such as taking out some cutscenes), this version respects almost every single aspect of the original 16-bit version (stage design, enemies, etc.), only that, as I mentioned before, the graphics and sound have been remade in order to show what this game could have been should it had been released for the original Nintendo 8-bit. The final result is truly amazing, till the point where this game could easily pass as an official Capcom release, which will surely please all the fans of the Blue Bomber out there.
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Comparision between the Super Nintendo original (right) and the 8-bit version (left). |
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2dBJlKZzts
DOWNLOAD: www7.atwiki.jp/wakuwakusuru/pub/final2.zip
Rockman 8 FC
The next game in the list is the same as the previous case, in fact is the same developing team, just that this time they decided to adapt to the 8-bit the Mega Man 8 game that was released for the Sony PlayStation and later also for the Sega Saturn, again with an equally amazing result.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hP4I_u0_m8
DOWNLOAD: http://demake.web.fc2.com/ (first link)
Mega Man Revolution
Mega Man Revolution is a complete new game created from scratch by the indie team Fifth Independent using the same graphic style of the 8-bit Mega Man games. The stages and bosses in Mega Man Revolution are all new, but the gameplay remains the same as the one seen in the original games that Capcom released for the Nintendo 8-bit. We will be able to play as Mega Man or Bass, each of them obtaining different weapons when they defeat the typical 8 Robot Master/bosses of the game. After defeating those bosses we will access the final stages of the game. As in the two previous games in this list, despite being a fangame, the quality standards are so high that you could easily think this is an official Capcom game.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-S9knh8bBg
DOWNLOAD: http://megamanrevolution.com/download/
Mega Man Unlimited
Another completely new game created from scratch that took indie developer MegaPhilX five years to complete. As in the previously mentioned Mega Man Revolution, the stages and bosses are all new, but the graphic and gameplay style remains the same as the original Nintendo 8-bit games. On top of that, among other features, the game includes extra game modes, such as a Survival Mode, a Boss Rush mode and a Challenge Mode. In a first instance it´s creator planned to make just a simple Flash game, but it seems (luckily for us) that he got carried away and little by little he started adding more and more features to the game increasing the scope of the project, till in the end he ended up creating a game that can easily look face to face in many ways to Capcom´s original games.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YACbP7Dswac
DOWNLOAD: http://megaphilx.com/?page_id=1003
Street Fighter X Mega Man
This is probably the most curious case in the whole list. Originally, its creator, Singaporean indie developer Seow Zong Hui, planned to create just one more fangame like the rest of the ones listed here, but after showing his work to Capcom´s staff during the EVO 2012, Osaka´s games giant was so impressed with the quality of his work that decided to officially sponsor him and support him in order to create an official game that was later used as a present for the fans in order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Mega Man and Street Fighter franchises. As in all the previous cases, the game´s graphic and gameplay style remains the same as the one seen in the classic 8-bit Mega Man games, just that this time around the Street Fighter characters will take the role of the usual Robot Masters. The main 8 bosses will be: Rolento, Dhalsim, Urien, Ryu, Blanka, Rose, Crimson Viper y Chun-Li. Each of them will make use of their classic special attacks, and will use a Super Combo meter that, once it fills up, will allow them to unleash a devastating attack just like we could see in Capcom´s legendary VS fighting franchise. When we defeat the bosses, rather than obtaining new weapons based on the powers of the bosses we defeated, we will learn one of the characteristic special attacks of the Street Fighter characters, like for instance Ryu´s famous (or infamous) Hadouken once we defeat him. The stages, as well as their soundtrack, are all inspired in the stages of the Street Fighter franchise´s characters. Once we defeat the first 8 bosses, we will access the final stages, in which we will face Balrog, Vega, Bison, and depending on whether or not we fulfill certain conditions when we complete the game, we will be able to face the secret final bosses Akuma and Sagat (this last one only available in the last update of the game). As you can see, is quite a tribute that will surely please the fans, and, as I said, in an unprecedented move, the game is completely FREE and can actually be downloaded directly from Capcom´s official website. I guess this was an attempt from Osaka´s games giant to apologize for constantly insulting their poor little mascot, but although this game is indeed a nice game, many fans still don´t forgive Capcom for humiliating the little blue robot that so much glory brought to them in the past.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD00PNW2m9w
DOWNLOAD: http://www.capcom-unity.com/mega_man
Mega Man Perfect Harmony
Mega Man Perfect Harmony is another game created completely from scratch, so again all the stages and bosses will be completely new, while keeping again the graphic and gameplay style of the 8-bit Mega Man games. This game is the only game in the whole list that allows for up to 4 players multiplayer matches (although not online), either cooperative in the story mode, or competitive in a all versus all deathmatch-like mode, making this game ideal to gather together with some other fans of Capcom´s Blue Bomber for some fun multiplayer action. The game will feature a whopping 24 playable characters, each of them with their own unique skills, although only 6 of them will be available from the beginning, having to unlock the rest in the game´s shop. The game will also allow us to buy skills for our characters, adding like this a little RPG element to the gameplay. Although the game might not be as polished as other games in this list due to the creator´s lack of time, it´s still a hell of a game and highly recommended for all the Mega Man and classic platform games fans out there.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J1wwBtAPjU
DOWNLOAD: http://rocksclan.com/?cat=98
Mega Man Rock Force
Developed by GoldwaterDLS, Mega Man Rock Force repeats the same formula as all the previous games, offering a completely new Mega Man experience while keeping the graphic and gameplay style of the original Nintendo 8-bit games. What sets Mega Man Rock Force apart from the rest is that, on top of playing as Mega Man, we will also be able to play as the members of the Rock Force that gives its title to the game, which are some of the Robot Masters we could see in some of Capcom´s official games. The members of the unit are: Cut Man, Nitro Man, Tornado Man, Dive Man, Elec Man, Knight Man, Bomb Man y Fire Man, and each will have their own special skills. Another great game that will sure please the Mega Man fans.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiwpu6SFgR4
DOWNLOAD: http://megamanrockforce.com/rockforcedownload.html
Mega Man Project Zero
Another game created from scratch by indie developer Zigma that repeats exactly the same formula as all the previous games, adding new stages and bosses while keeping the same graphic and gameplay style from the original 8-bit Mega Man games. Although this title might be one of the weakest in the list, it´s still a fine game that will surely please the fans of Mega Man.
Mega Man Revenge of the Fallen
This game took its creator, Darkflamewolf, six years to complete, but the result couldn´t have been better, for it´s a game that it´s up to what any fan could expect of a classic Mega Man game. Using once more the graphic and gameplay style of the 8-bit Mega Man games as a base, Mega Man Revenge of the Fallen offers 10 new Robot Masters rather than the usual 8, and a total of 20 branching stages, which adds a lot of replay value to the game, making of this adventure a highly recommend game for all the fans of Capcom´s blue mascot.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLq4Ff0_KT0
DOWNLOAD: http://rpgmaker.net/games/2406/downloads/6396/
Mega Man Eternal
Last but not least, we have yet another completely new game crated by indie developer Daniel Page with the help of some collaborators. Again, just like in all the previous games, Mega Man Eternal features new stages and bosses while keeping the graphic and gameplay style of the 8-bit Mega Man games. In fact, it´s creator seems to have enjoyed the experience so much that he has already announced a second installment that will be called Mega Man Eternal II and which is already in development.
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auWTNiMQs3s
DOWNLOAD: http://mme.pagewizardgames.com/download.html#maintitle
There are other fangames out there such as Rockmen R, Mega Man Rocks, Mega Man 42 or the Mega Man Day in the Limelight series, but in my humble opinion, although they are not completely bad games, they are definitely far from the standards of quality offered by the games listed above, although they could still be interesting for those fans that don´t have enough will all the adventures I just talked about. Anyway, as you can see, despite Capcom´s efforts to humiliate their own mascot, the legacy of Mega Man is still alive in the fans minds and hearts, and a good prove of that is the highly successful Kickstarter campaign to fund Mighty No. 9 together with all these fangames, including games such as MegaMari y Rosenkreuzstilette of which I already talked about in this blog, all of them great games, specially when you think that most of them are free and have been developed by non professional developers. In fact, there are more fangames based on the Blue Bomber in development, such as the promising Mega Man 2.5D with its spectacular 2.5D graphics, Mega Man X Corrupted, a game that tries to follow on the steps of the Mega Man X series and that looks really good, the also promising Mega Man Triple Threat, a game that follows the style of Mega Man 7 and 8 for Super Nintendo, Mega Man VR, or the already mentioned Mega Man Eternal II, which we hope they will all be completed soon to help the fans cope with Mega Man´s ill-fated destiny since Capcom decided to abandon him. Anyway, that´s the way it is. Actually, after the “tribute” Capcom did to Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken, I personally think it´s better they leave it as it is... Enjoy! And remember, IT´S FREE!!
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This is the "tribute" that Capcom paid to Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken... |
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